20% Time
Project Proposal
Name: Nate Levy
Project Title: Med Ed.
Project Start Date: 11/7/2014
Project Completion Date: 5/15/15
Mentor’s Name: Mrs. Browning, the
editors at Medical News Today, a friend of mine named Will, and my uncle
Brief Description: Explore the world of
medical science, learning the ropes one step at a time.
Overview of Project Proposal
1) Project Objective: My objective for
Med Ed. is the skills needed to be known in the profession of being a doctor.
Each post is a tutorial for a useful skill, as far as dealing with injuries
goes. I really want to create a blog that’s worth-while to read, yet,
educational at the same time for both me and the readers.
2) Project Rationale: I wanted to do
this project because my goal in life is to accept a career in the division in
medical sciences or biology. I figured that by helping myself, I can also help
the people out there with the same goals of mine. It’s also a very fun and
rewarding activity.
3) Project Steps:
1. Create a blog
2. Write an introduction
3. Do research and decide on a topic to
tackle that week
4. Write the post keeping to my topic
while adding fun commentary
5. Slowly learn and educate on this
4) Timeline of Activities:
November 7- Created a blog and wrote the
November 10- Wrote my first real post
discussing first aid for harsh conditions
November 14- Wrote my second post in the
first aid series discussing broken bones
November 19- Wrote my third post in the
first aid series discussing anything I may have missed.
5) Available Human and Material
Resources: Available human resources are any doctors, a few friends of mine,
and my uncle. Materials are Medical News Today, the book, Basic Human Biology, and anything else I can scrape up on the
6) Possible Road Blocks: Possible road
blocks include a lack of topics, a lack of inspiration, and some of this stuff
may be complicated.
7) Research Questions:
1. What do you do in the case of broken
bones? Answered
2. How do brain surgeons work?
3. How do heart surgeons work?
4. What are some of the important
medical supplies needed?
5. How many weeks will it take to cover
half of this material?