Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ranting Time- 3/31/2015

Hello people of the interwebs. My name is Nate, and this is Med Ed. The only blog where you can learn to save a life with a few clicks and some of your time. First of all, my spring break just ended, and the week before was one of those busy ones again with midterms and such. Many apologies for my absences recently. Today, I can't do anything because of a new blocking system our school is using. My fellow students can't access any website at all. Every source I have is blocked because it is categorized as "health/family". You can't even donate to St. Judes because it is the obviously a terrible thing, helping all those poor children with our donated money. The basic principle is if you type it in the search bar, or it has a URL, it's blocked. *Sigh* now that that's out of my system, I guess that's it for today. The school is working through the kinks of this system, and I should be back soon with some actual information instead of a rant . Anyway, I'll see you next time, hopefully with a topic, on Med Ed.

P.S. I suppose this would be a good time to ask for topics. Next week is going to be Parkinson's Disease, but past that, I have nothing. If you are interested in a specific thing, put it down in the comments or something. I'm happy to oblige.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Medical News 2- 3/6/2015

Hey guys, what's up? My name is Nate, and this is Medical News. Well guys, we've done it. Go America. Way to get those hereon related deaths to quadruple since 2010. Yep, Heroin used to only kill .7 people for every 100,000 people. Now, it's killing 2.7 people. Congrats. There is a picture to go with this.
If you want to read the full article, go here: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/290421.php

Day 14- ADHD- 3/6/2015

Hello my people. My name is Nate and this is Med Ed. Guys, I have been sooooooooo busy recently. My brain is practically melting. I'm terribly sorry that I haven't been posting anything. I've had, like, two hours of sleep these past few weeks. I had some huge research paper due also... uh my head hurts. Anyway, so I don't end up dying of something, we're doing something easy, ADHD. Well, at least I hope it isn't too hard. We'll see.
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder, or ADHD as I will be calling it, is a condition that makes children and the occasional adult hyperactive and make it hard to concentrate. They usually can't follow directions very well and tend to get frustrated and bored of things very easily. Most people with it tend to be impulsive and don't stop to think before they act. ADHD affects about eight to ten percent of schools-aged children.
There are a few symptoms:
  • A lot of movement
  • Not staying seated
  • Difficulty being quiet
  • Excessive talking
Well, that's basically it. Not much to it besides that. I guess I was right. Not to hard. Anyway, I'll see you guys later. I will be doing a Med Ed news later today, so look out for that. I'll see you guys later.