Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 11- Smoking- 2/6/15

Hellllllllllllllllo, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Nate, and this is Med Ed. We have had a surge in recent activity here. As of this post, we've had 330 page views. That's pretty great. Kind of exciting really. Today, to celebrate, we are going to do a nice, happy topic. We're talking about friendship, yaaaaaaaaaaay. Not really. We are talking about smoking. Not so happy after all. Lots of smoking. We're learning about the health hazards.
Smoking is a common practice here in America. The little rolls of tobacco and other chemicals that are some sort of mystery are killers. Mostly, people die from lung diseases or emphysema  coming from the inhalation of carbon monoxide and tar. Thought it's a slow process, they will kill you eventually.
If you look at a healthy lung, it is nice and pink and inflates like normal. A smokers lung is heavy, filled with tar, the occasional tumor, and the inability to function correctly. Not to healthy. The tumors, as you probably know about if you read my blog, are firm spots that cancer sprouts from. They look kind of like boiled eggs just pressed into the skin. I'll find a picture on the internet. Emphysema is another common thing that comes from smoking. Those little air pockets in your lungs are filled with tar, and you shouldn't expect to be joining a track team anytime soon. 
America is actually one of the biggest manufacturers of cigarettes, yet we have one of the smallest set of rules that come with smoking. In Mexico, there are pictures of dead, ash-covered babies on cigars, MEXICO. All we really have is "Don't smoke if your pregnant." in super small print. It's kind of insane. Well, now that I've gotten that out, and you've been informed on the hazards of becoming a human ash tray, I'll see you next time. Big thanks to Mrs. Cornell for teaching me everything I know about smoking. Oh, and here are those lungs. You can probably tell which is which.

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