Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 13- Miracles- 2/10/2015

Okay, so. I just made that one on trench foot, and, jeez, that picture is so bad. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to make another post just so the stupid picture isn't the first thing people see when they go on my blog. Anyway, yay, medical stuff. The only thing is that this is going to be about good things. For a bit of inspiration, I'll be sharing with you some medical miracles. Cool stuff, but not things like a guy with 12 legs. Now, get ready for inspiration, brought to you by little dots.
  • The world cup happened this year. I'm quite the soccer fan, so I actually watched it. The first kick of the tournament was done by a paraplegic man in a mind controlled exoskeleton. How cool is that?
  • We can now 3D print body parts. Not things like 100% lungs and hearts. Bones and stuff. It actually looks kind of cool. I'll add a picture at the bottom. 
  • A woman's heart stopped beating for 45 minutes during labor, and right before she was about to be announced dead when a blip crossed over the heart monitor.
  • A guy fell 43 stories and survived. His brother, unfortunately, did not though. He was found sitting up in an alley after the window washer thingy broke. You know what I'm saying by window washer thingy, right.
  • The last one is about a guy who lost his eye when he got sprayed with molten aluminum. Years later, a surgeon took out one of his teeth, implanted a lens on it, and there you go, a working eye. I don't even know how that's possible.
There you go. Now, all the new comers won't have to look at a nasty foot when they come to my blog. You're welcome. Well, that's all I have for today. I'll see you guys whenever on Med Ed.  

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